Living The Life Of Riley

Living The Life Of Riley

Living The Life Of Riley

Living The Life Of Riley

Saturday, July 26, 7.30pm

Book Now

Joanne Riley always knew there was something different about her son Jackson, he didn’t interact with other kids was very demanding and rarely spoke: Then came the bombshell, Jackson was diagnosed with autism.

Everyone tried to pull together but when Grandma moved in to “help out” things took a decided downward turn!!!

Living the Life of Riley is a heart-warming, heart-breaking and hilarious tale of a family, trying to negotiate their way through teenage tantrums, autism, and Grandma.


Vicky Entwistle (Coronation Street)

Leah Bell (Dirty Dusting)

Paul Dunn (Vera, George Gently)

Alison Stanley (Writer & Producer)

‘Absolutely hilarious – five stars!’ 

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty
Sat 26 Jul 7:30 pm £28 Book

7:30 pm



Stafford Gatehouse Theatre
