Stafford Film Theatre – Love According to Dalva

Stafford Film Theatre – Love According to Dalva 15

Stafford Film Theatre – Love According to Dalva

Stafford Film Theatre – Love According to Dalva

January 23 7.30pm

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Emmanuelle Nicot / France, Belgium 2023 / 83 min / Cert 15 / Subtitles

This deservedly multi-award-winning film will blow you away. Twelve-year-old Zelda Samson gives an exceptional performance as Dalva, a girl who was groomed by her father. The viewer follows the young girl from the moment she was taken into care and through her journey to recovery. The director paints an achingly beautiful portrait of friendship, recovery and identity, without falling into the trap of sensationalising or melodrama, yet there is room for humour and laughter, pathos and catharsis. “Dalva, the film, Dalva, the character is rebellious, full of pain, festive, tough, candid and scandalously human.” Erick Estrata, Cinegarage.

Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty Empty

7:30 pm


£8.5, £9.5

Stafford Gatehouse Theatre
